Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Thursday, March 31, 2011

today 03/31/11

so today we finished filming and it was kind of awkward because we where filming with everybody else so yea we finished all of our scenes  so now whats left is to get them all together into a video.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


In class today we did one of our scene the one where Alyssa  is graduating and talking saying thanks for everything now all thats left is my scene and davids but thats it and then we will  be done .

Friday, March 25, 2011

today 03/24/11

Today in multimedia class we actually planed out every thing and what kind of stuff we will be doing in our shots and how many shots we do, we planed a script and said that the characters have different things that they've done . We are pretty much done all we have to do is put it on a video .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today my group researched about drugs and what effects it has on teens and why people do it and how they should stop even though you think it wont hurt you just by doing it once it does. Even if you don't want to do it you still do it. and our PSA is going to focus on the damage that it does and how drugs are not good for anyone.


today in class we got into a group and talked about the movie that we have to create its a PSAs and we have to do.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today 03/10/11

Today was basically a day to catch up with assignments that are due for this progress that we've done, so i worked on my wiki article and my posters also i checked that my animation text presentation was on my blog ,so i could get a good grade on my report card.I Also fixed one of my movie posters because it look a little childish, but then again my movie poster is for young children.My movie poster Come Alive is about monsters/dinosaurs that come together as one whole group so that they can protect their selfs from the humans that want to destroy  them. My environment poster just symbolizes, that if every body would just plant a tree, with that one tree we can make a big difference so we should try to make a change with doing the smallest thing that would make a change in our world.


 During this time that rome was introduced to us i learned many things that hopefully benefits me in the future, simply because this program is very easy it allows you to create anything.I would say that "Rome" is better than "Word Processor". On 'Rome' you can easily create a poster , a document with pictures and you can write on top of the picture.In Word you would have to go threw many steps to get to write on any picture you import into word.Rome could be very use full to me because i have other classes that i could use this program to create a poster or a paper that i would need. Rome was a very easy program that just made my work easier. I wouldn't say that  my work look like a professional did it but it also doesn't look like a little child did it, to me i think that i did good on the amount of time i had using rome and the outcome on my work shows it. 

My environment poster.

My Movie Poster

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today 3/8/11

Today was a day just working on my posters i think i should work harder on them  because mine look very      easy like it took only 5min which didn't but yea it was kinda easy i should just make them better.Thats all i mainly did to work on the posters.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today 03/04/11

So today i finished my movie poster and i think its not good enough i thinks its a little childish so i may have to redo it and well all thats left to do is the environment poster that talks about the environment. hopefully i get a good grade.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

today 03/02/11

So today, i worked on a project we have thats in rome so its easy well kind of and we have to do 2 posters and make it look like its a movie poster or an educational poster that we have to do for the environment.