Monday, May 23, 2011
Today 5/23/11
Today i worked on getting the links on to my file folder with different files and so i still need a lot of work done so Im going to try and stay after school i can finiksh my project.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
today 5/19/11
today in class i worked on the things that i will put on my website it was kind of hard because i lost everything that i worked on last class
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Today i worked on my website project and i made like a rough draft of it. well of how i want it to look. And i also worked on the pictures that i want to be on my website (: so its good now.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
well i didn't get to post things on this in a while because i had a problem with my computer every time i pushed the button to post it would freeze but now thats not the problem so.. what i did today was mainly play around with the new program that we have been working on because we have to make a web page.
Monday, April 18, 2011
today we started on a new project we started to work with flash and tried to make a cartoon well kind of a cartoon mine was really ugly because this program is really frustrating and i don't like it but i will try my best to get it and do good :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
today we finished our project and we added the final touches to the video i think we actually did a good job (: now all that is left to do is put it on to a dvd and that seems to be really easy.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
soo today was the day that we finished the psa video i would say it turned out beast and yea its good.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
today 03/31/11
so today we finished filming and it was kind of awkward because we where filming with everybody else so yea we finished all of our scenes so now whats left is to get them all together into a video.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
In class today we did one of our scene the one where Alyssa is graduating and talking saying thanks for everything now all thats left is my scene and davids but thats it and then we will be done .
Friday, March 25, 2011
today 03/24/11
Today in multimedia class we actually planed out every thing and what kind of stuff we will be doing in our shots and how many shots we do, we planed a script and said that the characters have different things that they've done . We are pretty much done all we have to do is put it on a video .
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Today my group researched about drugs and what effects it has on teens and why people do it and how they should stop even though you think it wont hurt you just by doing it once it does. Even if you don't want to do it you still do it. and our PSA is going to focus on the damage that it does and how drugs are not good for anyone.
today in class we got into a group and talked about the movie that we have to create its a PSAs and we have to do.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Today 03/10/11
Today was basically a day to catch up with assignments that are due for this progress that we've done, so i worked on my wiki article and my posters also i checked that my animation text presentation was on my blog ,so i could get a good grade on my report card.I Also fixed one of my movie posters because it look a little childish, but then again my movie poster is for young children.My movie poster Come Alive is about monsters/dinosaurs that come together as one whole group so that they can protect their selfs from the humans that want to destroy them. My environment poster just symbolizes, that if every body would just plant a tree, with that one tree we can make a big difference so we should try to make a change with doing the smallest thing that would make a change in our world.
During this time that rome was introduced to us i learned many things that hopefully benefits me in the future, simply because this program is very easy it allows you to create anything.I would say that "Rome" is better than "Word Processor". On 'Rome' you can easily create a poster , a document with pictures and you can write on top of the picture.In Word you would have to go threw many steps to get to write on any picture you import into word.Rome could be very use full to me because i have other classes that i could use this program to create a poster or a paper that i would need. Rome was a very easy program that just made my work easier. I wouldn't say that my work look like a professional did it but it also doesn't look like a little child did it, to me i think that i did good on the amount of time i had using rome and the outcome on my work shows it.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today 3/8/11
Today was a day just working on my posters i think i should work harder on them because mine look very easy like it took only 5min which didn't but yea it was kinda easy i should just make them better.Thats all i mainly did to work on the posters.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Today 03/04/11
So today i finished my movie poster and i think its not good enough i thinks its a little childish so i may have to redo it and well all thats left to do is the environment poster that talks about the environment. hopefully i get a good grade.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
today 03/02/11
So today, i worked on a project we have thats in rome so its easy well kind of and we have to do 2 posters and make it look like its a movie poster or an educational poster that we have to do for the environment.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Today i just worked on todays assignment and also worked a little with the creating a certificate for the schools talent show and well thats basically it what i did.
This was the assignment that was to be done last class period that i ran out of time "/ and well today i am going to work on the assignment for today it looks easy but hard at the same time.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Today all i basically did was create my article that took most of the time because last class period something happen to my computer and i was also not able to post up anything. but today i am so yeah today i learned how to make a article it was pretty easy but i think i still need a table of contents so that has to be taken care of.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Today 02/14/11
Today all i did was look up what an article contain and then mr.double u gave us a paper to write about the web 2.0 we did a few weeks ago and then then after we were done writing about it he said to look at egypt and see whats going on. because we will be doing something with that.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Today 02/08/11
Well since mr.double u is not here we have a mini project. We have to get a story and make it animated like put different fonts and sizes of letters and to make them to move around and stuff like that. on a slide show using keynote. This isn't hard its pretty easy although i don't know if i have to add a lot of slides because the story is kinda long so i think i'm just going to make it short. and well thats almost all i did today i havent finished it ether so next class period ill finish it.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Today 02/02/11
Today all we had to do was to watch presentation and present also after that we came back on the macs and had to search egypt about whats happening there and we had to get an article so next class i think we are going to talk about it as a class i think. But yeah over all it was kind of a free day but not really.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Today 1/31/11
Well today i basically just worked on the assignments that were listed on the multi medias blog and it was pretty cool. i didn't have time to read an article an write about it but the rest of the assignments i finished them on time.The fist assignment was about the survey i did that last class period so i had already finished one. The second thing that was on the assignment was he picture and the 11 whigs we had to label i liked the picture :) . The fourth assignment was to write about Cooliris, i actually enjoyed that program it was pretty entertaining and well just fun i guess its like a website to search for images i think and it works good it has a lot of color if you want it to have color and it also has different little things like how many rows you want it to have and what effects you want it to have. The last task i didn't get to do it because i didn't have time but i would have liked to learn a little more about technology.
4th assignment 1/31/11

3rd assignment 1/31/11
Google Docs
Is an easy-to-use online word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor that enables teachers and students to create, store and share instantly and securely, and collaborate online in real time. You can create new documents from scratch or upload existing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. There's no software to download, and all your work is stored safely online and can be accessed from any computer. Some of the features are:
1) Online Availability: 2.) Less Spacia3.) Data Availability:4.) Share Your Work: 5.) Its Free 6.)Able to communicate better. 1) Formatting: Formatting can be a challenge, especially if documents are moved back and forth between Word & Google Docs.2)Bullets: Another disadvantages is that when it come to bullet points like when we are creating a list like for an outline it doesn’t really come with that feature of bullets.3)Fonts: It doesn’t have a whole lot of fonts it had just the basic that almost every program has.Well even though we already have this program in school students still don't use it i think they should use it because first of all its free second it allows to communicate with your teachers and any other student like is you are collaborating with them they can easily get on and start to work on anything.
Demo - Google Docs
"Google Docs Basics : Getting to Know Google Docs - Google Docs Help." Google Docs - Online Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Surveys, File Storage and More. Web. 31 Jan. 2011. <>.
Is an easy-to-use online word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor that enables teachers and students to create, store and share instantly and securely, and collaborate online in real time. You can create new documents from scratch or upload existing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. There's no software to download, and all your work is stored safely online and can be accessed from any computer. Some of the features are:
1) Online Availability: 2.) Less Spacia3.) Data Availability:4.) Share Your Work: 5.) Its Free 6.)Able to communicate better. 1) Formatting: Formatting can be a challenge, especially if documents are moved back and forth between Word & Google Docs.2)Bullets: Another disadvantages is that when it come to bullet points like when we are creating a list like for an outline it doesn’t really come with that feature of bullets.3)Fonts: It doesn’t have a whole lot of fonts it had just the basic that almost every program has.Well even though we already have this program in school students still don't use it i think they should use it because first of all its free second it allows to communicate with your teachers and any other student like is you are collaborating with them they can easily get on and start to work on anything.
Demo - Google Docs
"Google Docs Basics : Getting to Know Google Docs - Google Docs Help." Google Docs - Online Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Surveys, File Storage and More. Web. 31 Jan. 2011. <>.
2nd Assignment 1/31/11
- Monitor-Input
- Keyboard-Input
- Mouse-Input
- CD/DVD Drive-Input/Output
- Headphones-Output
- USB Flash-drive/Jump-drive-Input/Output
- Projector-Output
- TV/Monitor-Input
- Wireless Internet & Hub-Input/Output
- ActiVote-Input
- Screen-Input
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today 1/27/11
Well today in multimedia there was a few activities that we had to complete first it was to see who would presents first. And then we had to find piut what was input and output and when how its used. ans well next class time im going to present my slide show
Input Device
An input device is anything that puts information inside a computer.
Like a mouse the mouse tells the computer what to do.
Output Device
An output device is anything that can display information .
The monitor is an example of an output device it takes information and displays it on the screen for you to look at.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Toda 1/25/11
today all i did was finish my blog and put up the survey and it was a fast working day. i dont know why but today the class went by supper fast i almost felt like i didnt have time to finish my project but i did and it worked out perfectly and so i finished all my work that needed to finsh. i feel like i have accomplished something lol
Friday, January 21, 2011
today 1/21/10
Today in class i added the last things on to my power point to make it interesting and informative an fun at the same time because i don't want my audience half asleep i want them to me intreating but informed at the same time i just hope i can so i wont get a bad grade, the thing that i need to do on monday is just finish the presentation and to do the survey i hope i get to do it an post it up on my blog.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Today 1/18/11
Well today was a different kind of day well just because we came in class and had an assignment that we had to read and then talk about in the blog like what we learned about it an if we agree with what the article is saying, and well after i read the article i started to work on my power point witch I'm almost done with it all i need to do is to add pictures and finish two slides hopefully by next class period i finish it.
The Article
The Article "We Have Met the Enemy and He is Power point" is manly talking about how some people use it as a different thing like in the opinion of the Mc Master there was a whole different point of view to him he said "Its dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control General Mc master also said that Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable" . So basically is that it's not good to use the power pints because it brings the troops thinking they have power in creating a power point. It also creates more problems in the wars because of the lack of information that they added on the power points and that is why he does not want the power points and describes the power points as enemies. But this is not saying that the wars problem is the power points.But over all the Programs does come in handy when the goal os not imparting information,as in briefing for reporters.And How they blame the power point for there mistakes and in my opinion i don't think the blame is on the power point its on the people that create it because a power point can be very informative,but again that all depends on the one that creates it so i don't think that power points are to be blamed.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Today 1/14/11
Well today all i basically did was just getting information about my topic google docs an it was really interesting an well very help full for me an all i have to do know is write the info in my own words an make my presentation good :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
In class today
Today i mainly worked on the power point that we where suppose to do i'm working with keynote and it was ok its the same as the one on the hp computers but this one is like more there or you like for lazy people that want it there when they look for something in it. also researched some things from google docs using google so its really good google docs so i know i need to find more information for the slides.
The issues with the power point.
Some problems or issues of a power point is that the person that is making the power point gets too creative and decorates to much that forgets about the real information that has to inform the readers another thing is that sometimes the creator of the power point adds too much information that is way too long to read it an it takes like way too much i think that people should avoid that because it would just get a person very boring.Another thing is the way that the creator puts in the color like say a black background and uses like a dark gray color for the letters now thats kind of dumb but people will do that.And those are just some of the issue in a powerpoint are.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Jan 5'10
The reason i picked google docs is because it is very common to the students its very use full and for the teachers this is a great thing to use when the students want to communicate with each other.
According to A web 2.0 tool is is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive systemic biases, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and developingthe World Wide Web.
also another thingp i would chose i myspace because it is so much more than a social network .
The reason i picked google docs is because it is very common to the students its very use full and for the teachers this is a great thing to use when the students want to communicate with each other.
According to A web 2.0 tool is is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive systemic biases, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and developingthe World Wide Web.
also another thingp i would chose i myspace because it is so much more than a social network .
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